Smart Web Application Development
Web Application Development is Tricky Science and amateur developers makes lot of mistakes while designing the System Architecture and Data Flow Management. Let’s see what are these mistakes and prior solutions.
Choosing Best Ingredients
Best Dishes can only be made choosing Fresh & Clean Vegetables. Our application can ruin itself if it is based on outdated or inappropriate Technology and create sustainability Issues. Make sure you choose following things wisely.
- Web Application Technologies: PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails
- Frameworks: Laravel, Django, Ruby on Rails
- Admin Panel: LaraAdmin, XAdmin, ActiveAdmin
- In-memory Data Caching: Redis, Memcached
- WebSockets: Node.js, Pusher
- ORM: Eloquent
Clear Requirements
Before starting the development, you should have clear vision of What this application is going to be in 5 years. Documentation takes quite a time, but it helps in handling Situations and give you proper idea of designing the perfect Architecture to fulfil current and future needs of Customer. Gather as much as information about Project Scope and its Modules and have multiple sessions with Team to finalise the roadmap.
Database Designing
Database is very core part of any Web Application and it has to be carefully designed before starting the development by fully understanding the Business Process. Lot of scalability and architectural problems arose due to wrongly designed databases and foreign key mapping. LaraAdmin‘s Database designing approach helps in creating and managing large database tables and also helps in automatic Form Data Validations.
Mobile App Development Approach
Starting development of Web Systems with Mobile Applications, without proper flow can create bad situations. Always start project with complete Web Application Base and if possible Admin Part, and then go for Mobile Applications. This will help you creating and using Proper Database and ORM Implementation for Mobile Applications.
Always remember that changes in Web Application Structure can drastically impact on Mobile Application if proper flow is not followed.
Speed & Performance
Its not always images that affects our slow Webpage loading, but it can be due to improper or redundant database calls. Many web developers uses Frameworks but neglect to follow proper way of loading, handling and showing of Data. Some developers makes Database calls in Views which affects loading time and create future problems of improper data filters. You should use ORM’s to load database smartly and also improve the process by using tools like Redis or Memcached.
Scalability Perspective
Always think of future consequences while creating new Database Fields and Mappings and Data Flows. Wrongly created Database can create various Scalability issues and leads to heavy rewriting of source codes.