Website Development Workshop at MIT, Pune
Title: Workshop on Website Development using WordPress
Venue: MIT School of Technology Management, Pune
Two day workshop on “Workshop on Website Development using WordPress” was held in MITSOT, Pune on 10th February 2018. Purpose of this workshop was to enable budding entrepreneurs to create Websites using WordPress technology. Workshop was arranged by MIT TBI (Technology Business Incubation) for educating budding entrepreneurs for new challenges. Participants of this Workshop were Corporate Employees, Startups, College Students and Teachers.
Workshop covered following key things:
- Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
- Typography & Basic Elements
- Responsive Web Development
- Advanced Web Elements
- Dynamic Elements using Javascript
- Creation & Customisations
- WordPress Installation + Introduction
- WordPress setup with LAMP stack
- Free Themes in WordPress
- Blog Posts & Media
- Pages, Widgets & Plugins
- WordPress Shortcodes
- Introduction to Visual Composer
- Elements of Visual Composer
- Customisation of Elements
- Professional WordPress Development
- Purchasing Themes
- Purchasing Domain & Hosting
- CPanel Setup for WordPress
- Contact Form 7
- Importing Demo Content
- SEO Tips & Tricks
Workshop also covered the special sessions on Laravel Web Application Development and Mastering SEO with WordPress. Workshop was conducted by Mr Ganesh Bhosale, an expert on WordPress with his own company Dwij Solutions, Pune.