ArchiClub – A social network for architects
Updating on Facebook, uploading snapshots on Instagram, tweeting on Twitter; but tired of the dull responses to your business. Archiclub is where this does NOT happen.
The word social network came into being to differentiate. It was to provide a line of separation between networks that were used for business purposes and those that were used for socializing. A social network has been referenced to, in a variety of manners. It has been a job creator for some; as also a medium of expression for the understated populace. But it holds an unbelievable pull over the human race as they clog their profiles with their personal lives.
Expanding one’s social network beyond a particular group has astonishing benefits. It brings life to fresh ideas and opportunities. The web is providing new tools for cultivating such ties. On networks as mentioned; someone you’ve never met in person could change your life.
This is where, Archiclub enters into the scene. Archiclub deals with collecting budding and experienced architects into a common domain, where they can post, discuss and take opinions not only from fellow people but also the ‘unarchitected’. This is it’s key distinction from its’ competition, since the perception of the common man can be chartered into account as one plans their future projects. With a big audience to consume the content, people share their stories via their project details and pics thereby providing a detailed information about their businesses.
Then, what else makes it stand out?
One may create a page on Facebook. But with FB users spending decreased time on the network, it would be a waste of resources, especially for hard pressed start ups. ArchiClub provides an advertisement free place to grow your network. With targeted advertisements virtually non-existent in our library, the users have a highly secure environment to review, publish and share. This satisfies their appetite to view highly focused architectural projects from the comfort of their home.
So, login to archiclub.co.in and be the architect of your business.